Green Ball

Develop your child’s full-court game with our Green Ball program!

4 Week Sessions, $75/player if registered for 1 day/week

  • Session 1: May 30 - June 24

  • Session 2: July 10 - August 11

Offered Tuesdays & Thursdays 9:00 - 10:30 AM, and Saturdays 11:00 - 12:30 PM

Green Ball II: Designed for kids ages 9-12 using regulation sized nets on full 78 foot courts with adaptive green balls. Integrates technique, score keeping, and rules of the game with grips, fundamentals, balance, and movement with a reinforcement of complex footwork patterns, directional control, increased rally tolerance, and tactical concepts. Further development of all-court game and increased competitive situations. Stronger emphasis on use of spins, heights, directionals, serves, and point construction.